A Survivor’s Guide to Heart Attack
4:02 pm
It’s all sudden, either react or a life is lost!
Crucial is the situation faced by a person dealing with a heart attack, active senses and a smart brain are the elements which can actually save you from the danger of life risk. It’s not always the chest pain which you need to connect with heart attack, read more to get answers of all your what? Why? when?
First, Let us Know What is Heart Attack?
Heart attack can be termed as a sudden blockage in a person’s heart’s artery, it is an emergency which can even lead to death if not treated. One should never ignore even the smallest symptom of a heart attack.
What are the Symptoms of Heart Attack?
You need a clever brain to recognize if the symptoms indicate Heart attack, not every heart attack comes with a smashing chest pain, sometimes it’s a mild pain not necessarily in chest. It might be in your upper body, people having diabetes are at the higher risk of getting an attack. Some common symptoms of Heart Attack are mentioned below :-
- Chest Discomfort - one can experience discomfort in the middle of the chest, the pain sometimes starts slowly and increase spreading towards the upper body parts like hands, neck and jaw.
- Breathing Difficulty - patient can face a little difficulty in breathing, not necessarily every time but in some cases.
- Other Symptoms - other symptoms like cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, anxiety, indigestion, fatigue and abdominal pain are also the prior warning of an upcoming heart attack.
What should be Done During the Case of an Emergency?
If you see some person having any of the above mentioned symptoms prolonging for some minutes call 911 right away. It is the emergency number which will catch up with the patient as soon as possible. If you cannot reach any medical help follow the following steps-:
- Calm down the person and make him lie down straight.
- If the person is not allergic, give an asprin tablet to chew, it works faster when chewed than swallowed.
- If the person cannot breathe, try and perform CPR immediately, if you do not know how to do ask the doctor on phone and he will assist you do.
What is CPR?
CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, it is an emergency process to manually preserve the brain function till any other emergency measures are taken. it can also be termed as artificial respiration, if a person stops breathing of breathe abnormally you can provide breathe by either exhaling into the person’s mouth or nose, a device can be used to push in oxygen in the lungs of the person too.
How can we Minimize the Risk of Heart Attack?
One can minimize the risk of a heart attack following these simple steps-:
- Quit Smoking : The biggest factor which promote the risk of heart diseases is smoking, one should quit smoking completely as it is not only you who is getting affected but also the person inhaling the smoke.
- Maintain a Healthy Blood Pressure : One should maintain a healthy blood pressure as high BP results in heart related disorders. That does not mean low blood pressure is good, it has different risks involved.
- Control Your Cholesterol : Try and maintain your cholesterol levels, you should be aware about the high cholesterol food items and avoid them as well.
- Put A Stop on Calories : Stop consuming a lot of calories, diabetes is the major cause for heart diseases, so make the lesser use of fatty food items.
- Exercise Daily : To keep yourself fit and active have a habit of exercising on daily basis, go for a walk, jogging or cycling to maintain your heart health.
Life has a lot more in store for you, stay in high spirits to grab the best. After all for a good life you need a good heart!