How to Protect Skin from Sun Tan in Summers

5:34 pm

Summers not always come with a sun kissed glow! It may also be carrying the threat to damage your delicate skin tissues. Being in sunlight provides Vitamin D which is good but a lot of it can burn you off! As the saying proves correct “Excess of anything is bad!”.

How to protect skin from sun tan in summers - Heycare
The scarf cannot save you the danger! It’s not a protective shield for your skin. Nor your sunglasses can give you some relief, sometimes sun is too hot to handle! But why does sun tan happen? What kind of factors are responsible for skin damage and wrinkles? 

Let’s check out the reasons for the same :-

What are the causes of sun tan?

Tanning can be a result of excess exposure to the sun, as heat can damage the skin tissues and result in early aging and skin issues.

Through the other logic, according to American Academy of Dermatology our skin contains an element called melanin, this substance is present in every human, people having darker skin have more melanin and ones having lighter skin shade have less of it. The skin is provided with color by this element. When in sunlight exposure the skin tissues start producing more melanin which results in changing the skin tone. Due to this the people who have dark skin tone turn dark brown which can be called as sunburn and the ones with lighter skin shade turn red or wheat brown.

Both the process happens to be the effects of sun tan & sun burn!

How to protect the skin from sun damage?

As there are various products available for sun protection all cannot suit your skin and prove beneficial. The most important one from the list is sunscreen, the same product can have many varieties. 

Select the one with the minimum SPF (sun protection factor). 

  • Below mentioned are the other ways to get saved from the boiling heat: -
  • Cover yourself well
  • Apply sunscreen on the exposed body parts
  • Drink plenty of water 
  • Wash your face with cold water thrice a day
  • Use sunglasses

Apart from the general guidelines one can even check through some home remedies by which the protection is possible.

[ Click here to know about Food items to avoid in Summers ]

Home remedies for sun tan removal

Skin can be cured at home too, all you need to do is pick one home remedy which you feel suited according to the availability at home. Here is a list of home ingredients which can help you removing the stubborn suntan-:

  • Cucumber face pack : This is one of the most effective remedy for fighting sun damage, take 1 tablespoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water, mix them well and apply it on to your face. Rinse when dry with cold water.
  • Papaya face pack : Papaya is not only good for gut but an excellent ingredient for skin too. Take half a cup of ripe papaya and mash it well, add a tablespoon of honey in it. Apply the mixture on to your face. Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse when dry.
  • Tomato face pack : Tomato having great skin toning properties is the best ingredient to cure sun tan. Mix 2 tablespoon tomato juice, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of yogurt, mix them well and keep it for 30 min until dry, rinse with cold water.
  • Potato face pack : Potato has great bleaching properties which help in skin lightening. Squeeze the juice of one potato and add a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply it on your face and rinse when it’s dry with cold water.
Why invest a handsome amount in cosmetics when you are easy to go with these home remedies. Try these and tell us the effects on your skin. We do not recommend people with sensitive skin to apply tomato face pack as it may not suit well on it. If having severe skin disorders consult a dermatologist.

Stay healthy and glowing this summers!